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Wikipedia: reliability and authenticity of information questioned, however it can be a great resource for students to research and an authentic project that students can contribute to
Essential features of a wiki: web pages, discussion tabs, history trail, management and control
Different management levels to suit user needs
Potentially, anyone can contribute, edit and delete
List and print pages
Explore the history of each page and 'revert' back to a previous version
Use of discussion/comments tabs
Embed multimedia: audio, video, images, RSS
Anatomy of a Wiki
The Anatomy of a Wiki video (embedded here) uses the Flat Classroom Project 2007 wiki to show how a wiki is used for interaction and collaboration by 7 classrooms and many othere educators from around the world.
Wiki as a disruptive technology in education
(a definition of disruptive technologies: innovations that drastically change the course by which users connect, engage, and relate with the world and transform society)
This video was created for the Flat Classroom project and shows how to embed a Google video onto a wikispaces wiki. The same pronciple applies to other video hosting websites and alternative wiki sites.
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